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A Baby Kind of Day
12-02-2003, 9:07 p.m.

Today we had a baby shower at work for one of our friends. I have worked with her for almost 13 years, so it was nice to go and enjoy her special day with her. It was a lot of fun too, and a lot of people went, men and women. We all went out to lunch, and then back to work for cake and presents. I can�t believe how many presents she got though, it was just really nice. It took up a lot of my time at work though, and I was spending the rest of the day struggling to keep up with my work. I have a big meeting next week that I am preparing for, and I had a small meeting today regarding issues about it, so between all these things, I was barely in my office at all.

I got a call too that my friend Randi had her baby, a little girl today. Olivia Christine, aww. I was so impressed that her fianc� called me, I totally didn�t expect that. I mean, not the day that she was born� it just meant a lot to me that they called, how neat. My sister was going over there to see them tonight because she lives near the hospital. I was going to order flowers, but she offered to stop and pick up a gift to take from me, and some flowers, so I told her go ahead� I thought that was sweet, and believe me, my sister doesn�t often make me think that she is sweet, hehe.

Speaking of babies (and it seems like that is all I have done so far, hehe), I decided to start a new trying to conceive journal. I used to keep one and it was helpful, so I thought why not. Not that I won't talk about it here too, but at least I can be more in depth there. If you are interested it is.. here.

It�s been a quiet night here. It was strange coming home and not seeing Ton and the girls, and I miss them, but it�s nice knowing that they are getting settled into their new home too. I know that they are going to be really happy there, and it�s nice knowing that they are someplace safe. It�s such a good feeling knowing that I helped as much as I was able to, and that Jen is able to do even more for them. It�s going to be nice to watch Tonya heal and get stronger, and dare I say, even happy one day. Life is good.

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