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Family and Holidays

Family and Holidays...

November 28, 2001

Christmas has always been one of my most favorite holidays. I love so many things about it, the decorations, the spirt, the music, family and yes, even gifts. I love buying gifts for those I care about, and I do what I can, and what I want... but the past few years, I have been getting aggrevated with everyone else. Why do I keep doing this to myself??

I've been in an e-mail discussion with my SIL for the past few days. Basically we are saying the same thing, but somehow I think one of us is missing the point, or something. I am going to just let it go and enjoy the holiday. They've decided that they are not going to buy for the adults, only the kids. I can understand that, and I can even agree it is a good idea, but I already bought most of the adults gifts, ones that cannot be returned, due to the fact that they are personalized. I don't mind. As I said before, I like giving gifts, and I don't give them just to get them. What does it matter if we decide to give gifts to them. I am not asking them to buy gifts for everyone, don't ask me not to. Why can't it just be, do what we want to do. Now they are talking about doing a grab bag next year with the kids names. By next Christmas, there will be 13 kids on that side of the family. If they want to do a grab-bag, that is fine with me, but plan it ahead of time, and do it together, instead of 2 people deciding and telling the rest what we are doing. Okay, enough rant for the day.

We do Christmas eve with my family and Christmas day with Stephen's. I am looking forward to both, as I always do. We invited Jen and Don to Christmas eve, because we wanted them to come, and because they don't have other family near by. To us, Christmas is about being with our families, and so we wanted to share that with them. I am not sure if they are going to or not, and either way, I am glad we invited them. Today, I found myself trying to talk Jen into it... and then I realize that is wrong. I invited her... she can accept or decline, without fear of me being upset, but I am not going to try to talk her into it anymore. I don't want anyone to come because they were talked into it. I think that is going to be a New Year's resolution of mine this year. Accept the answer of other's and not try to push it any further. Works for me. Now let's see if I can actually do it.

My mom loves having kids around her for Christmas... she is so cute with Christmas. She has already spent a small fortune on Chrissy, June, Brian and now Jen's kids too. I love how generous she is, and I love that I get that from her... most of the time...not when I am broke, giggle, and not when I am sad because people are telling me who I can't/can should/shouldn't buy for. I am my mother's daughter. I love Christmas and I love buying presents.

Cory, Jen, Tonya and I decided not to exchange our own gifts with each other, until January, when Tonya comes to visit. The funny part was that I brought this up to Tonya the night before we decided it, but then thought, nah... but then it came up the next day.. talk about timing. At first I was unsure of it, but I am glad we are going to do it this way too. I know it will be nice to do it in person. Plus it drags Christmas out a little too. Okay, and it gives me an extra bit of time for something that I can't say here, LOL.

Speaking of extra time, I better go do a page in Sherry's book. I don't know why I am dragging so much with that... but here I go, going to do a page.. gotta do a page...

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