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Only Time Will Tell

Only Time Will Tell...

November 29, 2001

Tonight was the online baby shower for our list. It was okay. It was nice. But it would have been better if a few things were different. For one, the chat room was messed up, and kept tossing half of us in one room, half into another. It was aggrevating and a pain in the neck, but still it was nice to do something nice for these girls. They deserved it, and I am glad that I participated. I only wish that I had thought to send a little something to all of them, and not just the one I was assigned. That is so unlike me.

The second reason that it wasn't as wonderful as it could be is that our fearless leader has been absent of late. I can understand her reasoning, and I've even felt the same way, but I am ready to let bygones be bygones, and I hope that someday she can find her way back to people who really do care about her. Her presence was so lacking, and it was and is so obvious, every single day. I can't even tell you how many people asked me about her tonight, and how many people said how very much they miss her. I wonder if she even knows it. I wonder if she knows how much she means to people, and how much they need her. I wonder if she remembers how much she once needed them, and if she knows that it can be that way again. I guess only time will tell.

A few gals have come and gone from there, and they are all missed. I wonder if they know the same as above. I wish I knew how to fix all the problems we had before... I wish I knew a lot of things that I don't...

So tonight was nice. I even got another page done in Sherry's book tonight. Add that to the 2 I got done last night and the 2 the night before and I am on my way. I am up to the actual day of the Wedding now, and so glad. I can see that I can really get this done. I have so many other things I need to do too though. I am having a craft night with Rita again, on Wednesday... so maybe I will get more stuff done then too. Only Time will tell.

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