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Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate...

November 30, 2001

It's been so long since I accepted the position as Coordinator for the Faculty Senate, that I almost forgot that I was going to be doing it. But yesterday George (he is the Faculty Senate President, as well as a faculty member in Stephen's department, and husband to Stephen's boss) called and asked me if I could meet with him this morning. Seems that they are ready to put my services to use, and boy in a big way too. Talk about jumping right into the fire... hey, where is my pan?

I have to set up a meeting for sometime in December. It's going well so far, but I know that this is the easy part. I wonder how I am going to handle it when I have to get the agenda out, and when I have to actually go to the meeting and keep minutes. OMG, what was I thinking? Still, I keep telling myself... OT pay just in time for Christmas.. can't beat that. No, that certainly will come in very handy.. still, I am scared to death. I can do this, I can do this, I can do this...

My boss left for the day already, leaving to go play golf with some other faculty members here. He left me a ton of work to do, but being as effecient as I am when I want to be, I am alread finished. I do have some stuff that I can work on for the others though, and so it will be good to actually catch up on some of this work that needs to be done but not exactly today type of stuff.

Sherry called though and asked if I had time to go to lunch with her. What a perfect timing. I could easily get away for lunch today, so I gladly said yes. I am glad too, we rarely get to spend much time together anymore. Stephen is going to go as well, which will be nice. We will see Sherry and Chuck and the girls tomorrow night at the Wolves game but this will be nice more quiet time. I am glad she called. She should be here in about 20 minutes!

I am going out to mom and dad's to spend the night after work tonight. Stephen said that he is starting to feel like a weekend bachelor, I have been home so little...and I feel bad for that. But my parents need to be to the airport at 5 am, and there is just no way I am getting up at 2 am to go do that, just to stay home tonight. Heck, I will be home and in bed with him in the morning before he is even close to getting up. I know he is just teasing, and he actually enjoys some quiet time, but I start to feel bad when I am away too often. Maybe I should stay home a few weeks, then he will be begging me to leave for a night, giggle. Yah, that'll work!

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