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More Thanksgiving
11-28-2002, 11:27 p.m.

More Thanksgiving...

November 28, 2002

Mom had put the turkey in before we went to bed (she lets it cook slow all night long, and this way it's done at noon, which is when we usually eat. We always ate early in our family because my father usually had to work Thanksgiving afternoon, and this way we could eat together, and that tradition just sorta stuck.. especially after I got married, and would have to devote my time between both families. This way we get to eat both places (lucky us, hehe). So, we all got up and sat around talking and taking turns in the shower while we finished the cooking. Okay, while mom finished the cooking since she wasn't letting us help much, lol. Oh yah, we watched a movie too, and Rose, Gary, Stephen and I went out and covered my parents pool since they never did it. It didn't take long at all and I am glad that we got it done for them.

Dinner was smelling so wonderful and we couldn't wait to eat, but boy when we finally did, I would have to say that it was totally worth the wait. Everything turned out so yummy and we enjoyed the meal very very very much. I ate a little more than I planned to, but isn't that what Thanksgiving is for? After we ate, we sat around digesting our food and yakking some more. I noticed that there was a coupon for Wolves tickets on the back of one of the soda cans, and I showed it to Stephen.. of course Rose and Gary wanted to know what the wolves were, so we told them. They said that they would totally love to go to a game with us.. so guess where we are going Saturday night? Woo hoo!!! I am so totally excited about that!!! I wasn't expecting something like that, but it will be totally awesome taking them to a game. I really am looking forward to it now.

Eventually mom and Rose headed off to take naps, and Stephen and I got ready to go to his mom and dad's. We told them that we might be a little late, but I really didn't want to be. They invited everyone over for about 2, but dinner wasn't until 4. I was glad, because I was nowhere near ready to eat again, lol. Funny how that is this year.. in the past, I was always ready to keep eating.

When we got there, Gerald, Kevin, John and all the boys were off playing football. I guess they had been trying to call us to invite us to the first annual Sears Turkey Bowl. The kids even made a trophey and everything for it. It was hysterical, and I am sorry that we didn't check our messages. Stephen would have loved to play, but we dressed nicely, and he didn't have his knee brace. Next year for sure we are playing (yes, you heard that right, we... ever think I would say something like that? me neither.. I am going to practice, hehe.. I can do it, I know I can). I want that trophey, giggle. They had a blast, and I regret that I didn't walk down to get pictures of them playing (they were at the park down the block). I am, however, glad that I didn't in a way, because I was able to feed Kathleen her first thanksgiving dinner! Both Kathleen and Katelyn were celebrating their first thanksgiving today, which was totally adorable. I got to spend alot of time with both of them, and of course I got a lot of pictures. As you can tell, I am sharing some of my pictures from both days here. I took so many, and I wish I could post them all, but at least I can share a couple.

After they all got home from the turkey bowl, we started carrying everything to the basement for dinner. Man, I tell you, that gets to be more and more of a production each year. With Stephen's mom's friend Dee (she is a friend of the family who spends many holidays with us, and all the kids, there are 24 people in the immediate family now, which can be quite a bit, and pretty loud considering 13 of them are kids. We had a wonderful dinner though, and while I was still a little full from earlier, I managed to eat my share, hehe. It was good, and again I have to say, isn't that what Thanksgiving is about? I don't even feel a bit guilty...I will worry about that another day.

We hung out talking while the kids played after dinner. Nicole and I got the names ready for the grab bag and helped the kids write down a few things that they wanted. We picked all the names for the grab bag, and I got Delores, and Stephen got Michelle... pretty easy ones, and I am glad for who we got. Michelle got me, and Gerald got Stephen. I do feel guilty that we are not getting gifts for the kids a little, and I am thinking that I might get a small gift for Katelyn and Kathleen since it is their first christmas, at least an ornament or something. So we did that, and then played with the babies until the guys decided to play their annual Thanksgiving poker game. They always ask me to play with them, and sometimes I do, and sometimes I just sit with the women, but tonight I decided to play. We had a blast, and I started cracking up when the kids made their own table and started playing poker with their own money. I guess that Sears tradition is going to remain intact, lol.

It started getting late, and so we started cleaning and packing up. I always hate leaving, and we were the last to go. I had such a great day, both at my mom's and with my in laws. I am so blessed with good family on both sides, and I am so thankful for that.

Now, Stephen and I are cleaning up the house a little, since Rose and Gary are coming tomorrow, and loving on the kitties who were alone all night/day.. and are not so happy with us.. lol.. I don't care, I am still thankful for them too.

And for all of you! Thank you for meaning something to me. I hope you all had as wonderful a Thanksgiving as I did. God Bless you and your loved ones.

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