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Slow Start
12-04-2002, 9:49 p.m.

I told Stephen that I was going to go christmas shopping tonight since Kohl's and Penneys were having one day sales. I figured that I could make a dent in my list. I also wanted to look for a couple of sweaters for myself.. to wear on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. He laughed and asked if I was shopping for me or christmas shopping, to which I told him that I was allowed to buy myself a christmas present, hehe. He said that I could buy whatever I wanted.. what is he nuts? LOL. He is lucky that I couldn't get into a grove. I am serious, I was in one of those moods where I could look at a million things and nothing ever clicked. I did end up getting a few gifts towards the end of the night so it wasn't a total waste. Hopefully my next time out won't be such a slow start.

Things are still way hectic at work, and I am getting totally stressed with that. Man, I so cannot wait for the weekend, although, now my weekend plans have changed, so I am not looking forward to them like I was. I am going to babysit for Megan and Brian Saturday night though, so that should be fun. Maybe I can get my christmas cards finished and mailed this weekend as well. That would be really nice.

I went to workout this morning, and it is getting easier to get up. I really am liking this working out in the morning thing. It gives me so much more time in the evenings. I am going to switch my off day to Mondays now, for a few reasons.. for one, our exams are mostly on Mondays, and I can't work out those mornings since I have to be to work by 7, and plus, it's really hard to get moving on Monday mornings anyway. And also, this way I don't break up the week by taking Thursdays off and thus having to start over on Friday. I am going to try it this way and see how it goes. The one thing I am sure of is that I want to keep going in the mornings, no matter how good sleeping longer sounds.

I had more I wanted to write about, mostly my kitty and her tree antics.. but I am tired, and so I am think I am going to curl up in bed with Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and go to sleep (yes, I read these books before, but I am reading them again.. hehe).

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