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Dreams of Pink
12-05-2002, 8:25 p.m.

A good friend of mine got some awesome news today. She is pregnant with her 3rd child.. and she already has 2 boys and was hoping for a little girl. She had her ultrasound today, and her wish has come true. Congratulations Amy!! I am really excited for you and your family. I know how much this means to you.

Tonight, being Thursday, we had dinner with the in-laws. They are watching Gerald and Michelle's kids this week, so we went over there. They have been watching them since Tuesday, and it is easier for them to watch them there, so they have been staying there (it's actually only a few blocks from their own house). Gerald and Michelle are in Vegas, a vacation that they truly deserve. With 5 kids, it is hard for them to get away and do anything together, so I am glad that they got to go. I was teasing the kids tonight about it though.. the last time they went to Vegas, they got married, and the time before that, they got pregnant with Jacob.. I asked what they were going to come home with this time. Timmy said, hopefully a new car, not a sister, lol. Cute. We had ordered a pizza on our way there, so we picked it up, along with some fries, oh and some yummy cookies from the bakery. We had a nice dinner together, and I am glad that we got to spend some time with the kids.

After we got home, I decided to run to the library to take back some books and to take out the next 2 Harry Potter ones, and found out that the book I had been waiting for (our book club book from last month) FINALLY came in today, so I was able to get that too. Good timing. I will start reading that tonight or tomorrow. Then I ran to the craft store to pick up a few things that I needed. It was a little crowded so I was late getting home, but my honey loves me and he started taping Survivor for me. Thanks T.

Today at the gym, this lady started talking to me. She goes every morning, but she mostly takes the classes in the morning. She was trying to talk me into taking aerobics tomorrow morning, so I am going to do that, I think. I hope it is someone who is easier to follow, at least until I start really getting the moves down pat. I am still really enjoying getting my workouts done in the morning though. We will see if I can keep it going into next week. I almost didn't want to get up this morning, but I did...phew. Some days are easier than others. Once I get there I am fine, it's the actual getting up part. Stephen and I usually watch Friends (which we tape) before we go to bed.. I told him to be ready RIGHT after ER because I am going to sleep at 10:30... LOL.. hey, if I am going to get up at 5:30, I need to get to bed at a decent time.

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