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December 6, 2001

I am so overwhelmed with this Faculty Senate stuff. I know that it's just hard because I am so unsure right now as to what is expected of me, and I also know that it will get so much better.. but for now I am overwhelmed and worried and all that good stuff. I started the Agenda and stuff for Wednesday's meeting. What is the first topic on the Agenda?? To introduce me??? What was I thinking, I so like my nice quiet world where noone knows me.. I am nuts, hehe.

Tonight is going to be a way busy night, so I thought that I would try to write an entry before I head home from work. I don't know how much longer we are here, I am waiting for my honey to be finished with whatever he is doing, so I don't know how long this entry will be. We are going to my MILs tonight for dinner, at least I think we are... I better call to confirm that. Okay, confirmed, we are going over there for dinner. She is making pepper steak, lmao.. okay, I was planning on making that tomorrow night, there goes that idea.. Pizza tomorrow for Sherry and Chuckie, LMAO.. hey that at least means I don't have to grocery shop tonight... mark that one off the paper. Heck, I will probably think of something to make anyway, and still go shopping.. put that one back on the paper... see why I am so overwhelmed? We haven't gone to our Thursday night dinner with the folks in a while though, so I am glad that we are doing that...

I also need to clean the bathroom tonight, and clean up the living room, so that when Sherry and Chuck come tomorrow we can do the tree. I am so glad that we are finally putting up the tree, maybe it will seem more like Christmas then. I hope so :)

I also want to get some more of my crafty stuff done. OH OH OH, last night, one of those neat little tools that I was talking about Rita having...well she told me today that it is on sale at the craft store.. soooo, Stephen said he will give me the money to go buy one.. yes!!! They also have a nice glue gun set on sale and I could use a new one of those, since my old one is getting pretty gunky... so maybe.. I do so hate spending money on me when I have so many gifts left to buy.. but Stephen is paying for one of them, so that's okay, hehe.. and besides, I can use them in some of the gifts I am making. I am such a goon though... when I make gifts, I always feel like.. well that's not really a gift gift, so I have to buy something too... so much for saving money that way, snicker.

Well Mike just got back from his meeting, and told me how he wants his exam figure done, so I better get it done, I totally forgot that I have to give this exam early to 3 students tomorrow morning.. duh... hey, better that I remembered now than later though.. that way it doesn't count as a forget, since noone else knows, except for me.. oh and now all of you!

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