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Oh Christmas Tree

Oh Christmas Tree...

December 7, 2001

We got the tree up tonight, and I have to say that it just looks soooooooooo beautiful. I bought some new lights for it. I had considered going with white, but ended up getting the multi and I used lots and lots and lots of them, and it just looks so pretty. We got the ornaments on it as well. I didn't put the garland up this year though.. I think I am going to go sometime this weekend and look for a pretty ribbon to try this year. Yah, I think I would like that, and I really think it owuld add to it.

We had a really nice visit with Sherry and Chuck and the girls, and as always, I was so glad for their help with the tree. It's become tradition, and I for one, enjoy it very much. Dinner was oh so yummy too, mmmm.

It was getting late and Sherry and Chuck both have to work tomorrow, so guess what happened? The girls didn't want to leave, because they wanted to finish the tree with us, so guess who spent the night. It kinda changes my plans a bit for tomorrow, but I just can't say no to them when it means so much, and I really just didn't want to. I so hope that Cory doesn't mind. We were supposed to spend tomorrow together, and while we still will, it will be with the munchkins.. all the more fun for when my parents get home. Hopefully Cory won't mind waiting at the house with the girls.. or even better, my brother and Brian will go over there and then Scott can watch the girls too. I am really excited about seeing mom and dad tomorrow. I miss them terribly.

Jen has been making me the most beautiful wreaths. I can't even describe how breathtaking they are. We are meeting half way tomorrow to do a switch.. I am giving her some undecorated wreaths and she is giving me the most beautifully decorated ones... doesn't sound fair does it? I am so excited that she made these for me, and I can't wait to hang them up.

Well tomorrow is going to be a very full day and it's already about midnight... so I think I am going to turn in. Perhaps I will go lay and stare at the beautiful Christmas Tree first...awww.

Oh, and last but not least... A Happy Happy Birthday to Don. I hope that it was very wonderful and I hope you know how much we care about you.

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