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Lollypops And Airports
12-08-2002, 9:34 p.m.

I don't have anything to write about. I sit here and try to think about something to write about and my mind goes blank. Sometimes even I get bored writing about my day.. first I did this, then this, then this. I enjoy writing, but lately, it hasn't been coming easily.

I guess I am tired and cranky tonight. Alright, I am tired and cranky tonight, no guesses needed there. I didn't get to sleep last night until about 2... Sharon came to get the kids around midnight, only to find out that my brother hadn't left the carseat here for Megan, ugh.. so she had to go all the way back home to get the other one. I guess that she was almost all the way back, when my brother called her to say he was getting off early, so he would come get the kids.. but then he got caught up, and didn't get here until about 1. Megan finally fell asleep... as he was putting her in the car.. lol, not before that though. She didn't cry or anything, as long as I held her, but it made for a long night. Not that I am complaining though.

I went to go workout this morning, even got all the way there, when I decided that I just didn't feel like it. I wanted to get some stuff done before I went to pick Jen up from the airport, and I knew if I worked out, that I wouldn't have time to finish the stuff for her, so I stopped at the store and got some stuff I needed, and went home to finish the lollypops for her (it's a decoration that I make for outside, they are really cute and she wanted some). I am glad that I got them done, because she was really happy when I gave them to her.

I am glad that she asked me to pick her up today. We had a really nice time just sitting at the airport and talking while we waited for her MIL and SIL to arrive (Jen's flight arrived a little over an hour before they did). Jen and I just sat and talked about her week with her parents (man, talk about a hard week, lol, I will let her tell that one). I really missed her while she was gone, so it was really nice to sit and visit. I didn't mind waiting with her for her in-laws at all either. It was nice to see them as well, and I am going to go have dinner with them all on Wednesday night.. they are both really nice, and I enjoy their company.

Jen had to drop me off at home after the airport (because I drove her van up there to pick her up, she left it here instead of paying for parking all last week, smart idea). I got to show her my wrapped cabinets and even she says they are so pretty. Her SIL really loved my lollypops too... I would make a few to take over to her wednesday, but she would have a hard time taking them on the plane to go back. Maybe I can make some and ship them to her. I like doing things for people, especially when you know that they will appreciate it.

Well, I have an exam tomorrow morning, which means I have to be up bright and early, and I am already so tired, so I think I am going to head to bed early. Sounds like a good thing to me.

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