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In WIth the New
12-09-2002, 8:21 p.m.

I am sure that I have written about the fact that my insurance changed, and thus I had to pick either a new OB or a new PCP (they needed to be in the same medical group, per the insurance companies new policy, and obviously the ones I was seeing were not). It was a tough decision for me, because I loved both my doctors, but the fact remains, it is a lot harder to find an OB that you feel comfortable with, and so I chose to pick a new PCP.

I made an appointment with someone in my new medical group, and hoped that I would like her. First, I've never had a woman doctor, so I wasn't so sure about that, and second, she is young... like my age. After dealing with medical students that are around my age, I just wasn't sure that it was a good idea, but everyone in her office had very wonderful things to say about her, and they assured me that if I was unhappy, that they would move me to one of the other doctors.

Today was my first appointment. I was nervous about it, don't ask me why, aren't you nervous at first appointments? I needn't have been. When I got there, the nurse had me fill out some paperwork, and then she took me back. She sat and talked to me for a while, and she was just so great. I think that it is very important to like your doctor's nurse, because let's face it, that is the person that you deal with the most, and while I loved my previous doctor, I sure didn't like his staff very much. What a nice change this was. When my doctor came in, I could tell right away that I would like her. She is just so sweet and friendly and easy to talk to. She totally doesn't act like a know-it-all, which I totally liked. The more I talked to her, the more I liked her, and I really am pleased with the choice I made. I will miss Dr. Stuck, but I am even starting to think that this worked out the way it was meant to be. Dr. Kalache is a doctor that I can stick with.

So I had taken the afternoon off for my appointment, which was a good thing because it took a long time. I had a physical as well, and it turns out that I have another UTI. I was starting to suspect that I was getting one, but I thought maybe I was wrong, cause I just wasn't sure.. but yup, got one. But I got to start antibiotics today for it, so it won't get bad, yay. Talk about good timing. I also got a flu shot today. This is the first time I ever got one, but they offered it to me while I was there, and well, why not. I am sure I will be glad throughout the winter. Oh, and she even gave me a prescription for the allergies that I have developed. I never had allergies before, so that is a shock to me, but I certainly have them now.

I got a few things done tonight (some more of my decorations, man, decorating takes me so long) and I ran out to get a few gifts too. I was in a shopping mood, and could have gotten even more done, but I brought home some Faculty Senate work for our meeting on Wednesday and I really have to get it done. I am going to work on it and watch the Bears game with Stephen, well pretend to watch the game while I am working, lol.

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