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Shopping But Not Shopping

Shopping But Not Shopping...

December 9, 2001

We got up early this morning due to the fact that Chuck was picking the girls up early. The reason being, Stephen had his first basketball game for this season (yay, I know how much he loves it) and I was supposed to go shopping with my in-laws... yah, you heard that right, supposed to go. Oh, they still went, I just opted not to. I was going to go.. but when I got over there, I found out that more people were going than I thought.. Delore's SIL was going, and Stephen's aunt, and Dee (family friend), which was wonderful, don't get me wrong, I enjoy all of them... but I just think that it's hard to shop with that many people, and then there would be no room in the car for many packages, ya know. Everyone was going in Delores' van, because it's about a 90 minute drive.. so you don't want to take a lot of cars. Anyway, I was still going to go, but then Michelle (my SIL) said that she wasn't, and since I wouldn't be the only one not going, I opted out too.

I am glad that I did, because I got a whole lot more done this way. I got a bunch of Christmas presents, and I got some wrapped even. I got my whole village up and the living room clean, and I even got an hour nap in. See, I can't complain about all that. I would have loved to go shopping with them all, and in a small way I regret not going, but then, I am really glad that I got the things done that I did...time is starting to run short.

I am going to be nervous this week about that meeting on Wednesday. I will be so glad come Thursday, that is for certain, hehe. I am glad to be getting the OT in though... that is going to come in handy, even with all the gifts I already got, I still have a whole lot more to get.. boy sometimes it never seems to end. I am so not complaining though... I am just feeling a little stressed, but I still love it all.

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