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Saturday, in Review

Saturday, in Review...

December 10, 2001

Man, I wish it were still Saturday, then I could be sleeping!!! It's only 7am right now and I am already at work, because we have an exam, which means that I had to get up early early and of course I went to bed pretty late. I cannot believe that I didn't get to sleep in at all this weekend. I can't believe what a busy weekend it was all together, but it was not unpleasant, just busy busy. I got a lot done, and for that I am glad, but I still have a lot to do. Can you believe that Christmas is only 2 weeks away? 2 weeks, and I have so much to do... good thing I work best under pressure. The Christmas crunch has begun.

So I really had wanted to write about my parents and their homecoming this weekend. Their house looked so pretty. Cory was such a wonderful help and together we got so much done. I was pretty impressed, and although my mom still had a lot to do, it was okay because she was so very happy that we did it. Let's see, when I got to the airport to pick them up, I was sooooo happy to see them. I really was, I missed them so much. I took flowers for my mom, which she loved. The best part though, was getting to the car and letting Rocky out. OMG, I have never seen a dog so happy and excited before. He was shaking, he was so happy to see her (and my dad too). He curled right up in her arms on the ride home and didn't move an inch, talk about content.

So on the way home, we were looking at all the pretty lights and my mom kept saying how she wished she had put her lights up before she left, and how she can't wait to do it all, and to put up her tree, and on and on and on. It was all I could do to not say anything, and in fact, I almost gave the surprise away a few times, by not thinking. When we were walking to the car she said that she hoped Rocky missed her, and I said (duh) you should have seen him when he got into your house, zooming for room to room looking for you. Got to my house? When were you at my house? Oh shit! I had to backtrack good on that one... good thing she wasn't watching me, she can always tell when I lie if she is watching me. Oh yah, I say.. I went to Cory's last night for dinner, so I stopped and took your mail in, and I had Rocky with me. Phew, she believed it... I did a few little things like that though, and some she didn't catch, other's I was able to cover, LOL. Luckily, I didn't blow it.

When we pulled up in front of their house, she said, what's that... you could see the outline of some of her decorations, but before she could figure it out, Cory and the girls flipped on the switch and all the lights went on. OMG, I wish they could have seen her face, or heard her and my dad. She was almost in tears she was so happy and excited and then when Chrissy and June and then Cory came out of the house, she was even happier. It was so nice, and I can't tell you how many times they have called and thanked me and told me how much they loved everything and how great a daughter I am... awwww

Cory's dinner was yum yum yum too...although she seemed a little bit disappointed in it... maybe it was because my mom's stove started smoking when she turned it on to put the garlic bread into... I wonder how the heck that happened...they so need a new stove is my guess. It totally bummed Cory out though, and I hope she knows that it was so not a big deal.. not like it was her fault anyway. After dinner though, she left pretty quickly :( and we missed her. We went shopping for a bit though so my mom could get some more Christmas decorations.. hehe, we put her in the mood big time, and that was nice... but by the time she was done, it was pretty late and I still had an hour drive home, so we left. It was a great day and I am so glad that it turned out the way it did. Thank you Cory for all your help and also for how good you are to Chrissy and June. They love you so much and loved spending the time with you. They talked about your shopping trip to walmart all the way home. They were so excited about the ornament you let them get me, and all that. Thank you for that as well. It meant a lot. I put it right up on my tree. Hehe, Stephen was jealous.. he said... hey, don't they love me too??? hehe!

So that was my Saturday.. now back to Monday... ugh....

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