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All Dressed For the Holidays
12-09-2004, 10:06 a.m.

All dressed up for the holiday. I thought that maybe getting a new design for my journal would inspire me to write more often. We�ll see how that works out for me. At any rate, it�s pretty and festive, and that is all good. I am also going to try putting up pictures again� not daily, but as often as I can. I miss it as much as those of you who have told me you do.

All is well here, for the most part. Stephen got into a car accident a few weeks ago (through no fault of his own), so we are busy dealing with all of that. We also have all of the usual holiday craziness going on as well. I have a good portion of my shopping done, but as always, I will never be completely done until Christmas eve probably. It always seems to work out that way at any rate.

Tonya�s girls are coming next weekend and staying until the middle of January, so we are busy getting ready for that. I am really excited for her, and we are all looking forward to their visit. June is going to be spending her Christmas break with me, as she always does, and she is so excited about that, and even more so because Maddy and Rachel will be here for her to play with. Nicole will be coming for part of that time as well, and Chrissy is planning on spending a few days with us too.. so we will have a full house. Poor Stephen, all those girls, although I think he secretly loves it.

I am taking vacation time over the holidays, and I can�t wait. I�ve been so busy and it will be nice to have that break. Speaking of busy, time to get back to work.. but I vow to write lots and lots more updates� I know, I�ve said that before, right? This time I mean it.

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