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Holiday Party

Holiday Party...

December 11, 2001

Today was our first Holiday party of the season. It was the University Christmas lunch that we have every year. It was actually a lot of fun. It was the first time that Stephen and I didn't sit together though, and at first I was a little bummed about that, but it wasn't too bad. He wanted to sit with his department, and we usually sit with mine. Oh, I supposed I could have gone and sat with him and his department, but this is Celeste's last few weeks here, so I really wanted to sit with her and the rest of my department (her last day of work is December 31).

It was a yummy lunch, and then Dr. G (our president) does a raffle, and she had some pretty awesome gifts, incuding 3 palm pilots... now why couldn't I have won one of those???? Then she does games to give away all the table centerpieces, and I got that (the 3rd year in a row that I got to leave with one of the centerpieces, hehe, I like this tradition). It's cute... it's a snowman all dressed up, holding a sign that says I Love (heart) Snow! We also got our Christmas gifts from the University. We got really nice shirts this year, golf shirts, with the MWU logo on them, and a little flag patch on the sleeve. They are lands end shirts, pretty nice. Not as nice as a bonus, but defintely better than nothing at all.

As we were leaving, Dr. G. was standing there to talk to each of us. She gave me a hug and told me that she got my email about the meeting tomorrow (I hadn't sent her one until today because I didn't know I was supposed to, oops). I apologized for not sending it sooner and she said that it was fine, and that she has no doubt that I am perfect for the position and that it's all going to work out. It was a nice vote of confidence, but I still am not so sure.. it's scary. I am sure I will feel better after tomorrow's meeting, or at least I hope so. I am way nervous about it, and can't wait until it's over. Other than that, I think I like the position so far.

Last night, I never even turned on the computer, so I was glad that I had written my entry during the day... so I decided to do the same again today just in case I get busy again tonight. I really have a bunch of things that I need to finish for Christmas, so it was nice to work on them. I pulled out my sewing stuff last night and got 2 pairs of pj bottoms done for my mom. She loves these shorts I make for her so much, and that is all she will wear to bed, but since she lost a whole lot of weight, she needs some new ones. I think I am shooting at making her like 7 or 8 pairs... yes, that is how much she loves them. 2 down, woo hoo. Actually, they are pretty easy, so I know I can easily get them done.

I still need to finish all the ornaments I was making as well. They are just going on the outside of packages, so it's not like I HAVE to get them done, but I paid for all the stuff, I might as well finish them. I still have to finish this other project as well. The one that I haven't been talking about because, well certain people can't know what it is yet...giggle. So it's been busy busy for me. It really is starting to feel like Christmas... I am so excited :)

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