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If I Can...

If I Can...

December 11, 2001

If I can keep at the pace I am going at now, I will easily get everything done for Christmas. I came home from work, got dinner going (I made Cory's gravy, yum), and then sat down and wrote out all my christmas cards... every last one. I am soooooo proud of myself. Now, all I have to do is get stamps and drop them in the mail. I have a few packages to mail on Saturday as well, so I will get that all done at once. I feel like that was a big thing that I had ahead of me, so I am really glad to be done with it.

I also got 2 more pairs of pj shorts made for my mom, woo hoo.. and got them all wrapped up and under the tree. If I can just keep up this motivation thing I have going, I will be just fine. The funny part is that I have this horrible cold and in ways don't feel like doing anything other than laying in bed. Luckily the motivation to do it is much stronger than the desire to not.

I just took some nyquil and hopefully will get a good night of sleep in. I am totally nervous about this meeting tomorrow, so if I can get some sleep, I am sure it would be a great thing.

I am watching such a cute Christmas movie now, and I am printing out something that is part of a gift... can't say what it is either, just in case, LOL... but it is another thing that I am just sooooooo proud of. Do you know how you feel when you know you got the absolute perfect gift for someone? That is how I feel about this gift. I cannot wait until he opens it. I hope he loves it as much as I think he is going to. I will let you know. So far it's turning out exactly like I hoped though. I can do all this, and make it all wonderful. I can.. I know I can

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