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Sweaters Found
12-11-2002, 10:47 p.m.

I *finally* bought a couple of sweaters, yay. I was getting worried that I would never find ones that I liked. Let me rephrase that, it's not that I didn't see anything that I liked, because I loved a lot of them, it's that none of them fit me right. I think that I am at an ackward size or something, lol. Anyway so on my way home from Jen's tonight I heard a commercial for the Wednesday sale at Kohl's and since I didn't find anything at the one by my house, I decided to run over to the one closer to work. I had a lot of luck tonight, and I actually ended up trying to decide between 3 that I really loved.. and a pair of pants. I ended up putting the pants back and got all 3 sweaters instead. I know that I will get lots of use out of those for work too. Now to get myself to wait to wear them at Christmas before I wear them to work, hehe.

Man, it's been a lonnnngggg day. I got up this morning to go to the gym. I haven't been wanting to get up, mostly because I would rather sleep, but if I try to go back to sleep, I start feeling guilty and can't sleep anyway, so if I am up, I might as well get my workout done. Hey, at least I am getting them done, it doesn't matter how cheerful I am when I am doing them, right?

Then work was busy, but mostly because I was trying to get stuff done for the faculty senate meeting on top of doing my regular work. I wanted to be totally prepared for the meeting, and I was hoping that it would be a quick meeting since I was going to Jen's afterwards. Luckily, it was, and I was out of there by 5.

Dinner at Jen's was wonderful. Jen is a great cook, and she made some awesome steaks (definitely one of her specialties), baked potatoes, broccoli and a yummy salad. I stopped on my way over and bought an ice cream cake too, so it was just a great dinner... of course I ate way too much, but oh well, that's what happens when you have good food around, hehe.

I had fun visiting too, I really love that they invite me over when her MIL and SIL are there. They are really both very nice, and I enjoy spending time there when they are there. It was a great evening, and I was sorry to leave. I wanted to get home to go to bed early, but then I ended up shopping, oops. Actually, I am glad that I ended up going (even though I am soooooo tired now) because I was able to find some sweaters, and that was a good thing.

Dang, I forgot to listen to the wolves game on the radio on my way home from Jen's.. man, I really wanted to. They won though, yay.. and have been on a winning streak (6 games) and are finally over .500 again. They are going in the right direction, I hope they can keep it up. Stephen asked me if I wanted to go to the game Saturday night. I think we might, I hope so anyway. Although, I really would like to go get my hair done before christmas too.. and I shouldn't do both.. man decisions decisions. They are giving away championship patches at this game, and I would like to get those.. but there will be lots of games after chrismtas too. Hmmmm, whatever shall I do...

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