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Yay, Went Well

Yay, Went Well...

December 12, 2001

Today went very well... the meeting was good. I didn't hange up on the president... I didn't spit coffee across the table at anyone, I didn't fart or burp, giggle or anything bad. Seriously now, it did go well, and I feel so much better about it all. I still have to put together the minutes from the meeting, and I am not so sure about that yet, but I am not afraid to ask for help, and that should make it easier. I know now that I can do this. It's going to take some getting used to, but I know I can do it. Thanks to all my friends who helped me thru my nervousness and worry.

I left work at about 5:30 and headed home. Traffic was pretty bad, but it was okay. I stopped at Walmart to get some more material for my mom's pj shorts. By the time I got home, it was a little after 7, and Stephen had dinner ready. That was nice of him. Of course, he only heated over left-overs, but it was still nice of him.

I so just wanted to come and lay down and relax, but I told myself to at least make one pair of shorts. Luckily I was able to get 2 pair done and I also got a few more gifts wrapped... so I at least feel like I accomplished something, yay. I am going to do a few more pair... I am actually having fun doing them, so I might even do a few more than I originally planned. That will be a nice surprise for my mom. I hope she likes it. Of course though, like I said before... when I make gifts, I just have a hard time counting them as gifts, so I still have to think of some more stuff for my mom... but I don't mind that, my mom and I ususally spoil each other at Christmas, it's become tradition! Can't break tradition, can I?

I really am feeling much better tonight about all I have to get done. I have been making a good dent in it, and that's such a good thing. I know I still have lots more to do, but I don't feel as stressed about it. Maybe part of the stress was this meeting. I am just so glad it all went well... yay!

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