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Uh Oh
12-13-2001, 8:26 p.m.

Uh Oh...

December 13, 2001

Okay, so I was pretty stressed today and I wasn't very nice to my friends in the process. I know that they won't hold it against me and I know they understand, but part of me wonders how much of my bitching they are going to take before they just get pretty damn tired of it all.

I had to do the Minutes from the meeting last night, and let me tell you, this was the part I was really dreading. I think I had a small mental breakdown... I had to go down to Stephen's office and cry. I am so used to this kind of thing coming easy to me. I am so good with computers, and that is so much of my job, and so I am good at it. I am not used to struggling to get something right, and when I do, I get frustrated pretty quick, and that is what happened today. I finally got them done, and while they were not perfect, I gave them to George for his ideas. In the process, I finally asked Fred for some of the old files and took a box of them. That helped tremendously and I can't wait to have more time to research them and learn more. Luckily though, one of the first things I came upon was letters from last year that I need to be writing now, phew. That helped soooooo much with the work that I had to do tonight. I brought it home to work on, and I got thru it pretty quickly having last years as a guide.

When I gave George the minutes, he told me that I need to relax a little bit. I guess everyone is getting pretty tired of my insecurities and breakdowns lately. I know that I am going to get passed this. It is just hard right now. It's going to get easier, I hope, hehe.

We had dinner tonight with Stephen's parents and that was nice. I enjoyed our time with them, as I usually do. I am so glad that we spend Thursdays with them.

I took the night off tonight with Craft stuff. With getting home late, from dinner, and having work to do, and then the fact that I have all my good shows on tonight, I just didn't want to work on that stuff too. Plus, it's good to have a break, so I don't get burned out. Okay, well I am missing those shows to write this, and I am ready to just go relax... I think I need it, hehe. Or so I've been told...

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