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Out The Window
12-13-2002, 9:59 p.m.

We had to pick the girls up tonight and since traffic is horrific if we try to go right after work, and it makes no sense to go home first, we decided to go out to dinner and hang out together first. We just went to fudruckers for burgers, mostly because they have some older arcade games like pac man that we like to play. We had fun playing games and dinner was yummy too. It was a nice short date, lol.

We went to pick up the girls, and hung out there for a while before heading home. Sherry and Chuck got new living room furniture which is beautiful, and they made these really cool foot stools out of toy boxes that they got from Ikea. They are really awesome.

On the way home I wanted to stop home to get to get a bottle of hair dye. I have an appointment to get my hair foiled tomorrow, but I wanted to dye it first. See in the summer it gets so light from the sun, and then in the winter I get such dark roots and it was just looking so bad. So I wanted to dye it a darker shade, and then get the lighter hightlights tomorrow. So we stopped at Walgreens, and I got some. Well, Chrissy and June were playing in the backseat and they started hitting each other with the bag, so I reached back and grabbed it and hit Chrissy (jokingly this all is)... so Stephen says heyyyy and grabs it to hit me. Well I tried to grab it from him (we are stopped at a light), and he, being the smart butt that he is opens the window and sticks his arm out, threatening to toss it out the window...

This is where the fun starts, I start rolling the window up on his arm, so he says he is going to let go of the bag, and the bag ends up hanging out the window. So the light is about to change and I tell him to get the bag, and start rolling down the window, assuming he is holding on to the bag. The light changes, and I go to turn... ugh, he drops the bag and my hair dye out the window. There was so much traffic, and I was already half way thru the intersection by the time I believe he really dropped it so I go to the other side of the street and pull over. He gets out of the car and runs back to get it... and comes back with a sheepish look. It had gotten run over, and exploded.. nice.

So he had to give me 10 bucks to go get another bottle. I was sorta really kinda mad... but not really at him, just at the situation. It was as much my fault as his. So that 10 bucks went right out the window.

Chrissy asked me if she could dye my hair. I guess Sherry's sister taught her how and let her do hers. At first I said No, but she looked so heartbroken and I figured why not, so I let her... and she did an awesome job. I was pretty impressed and it was really nice not to have to do it myself too. Now to get it highlighted tomorrow, it looks so strange not being hightlighted.. I've gotten spoiled with that, I tell ya. At least that dye can't be thrown out the window, shaking my head. Hey, it is Friday the 13th afterall, right?

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