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Fun Girls Day
12-13-2003, 9:16 p.m.

I am here at Jen's spending the night and having a great time! We really have had such a great day today. I had to take my parents to the airport this morning, so I had to get up early. They are in Las Vegas because my cousin Brian got married today. I really wanted to go so badly as he and I have always been really close, but honestly, it was just too hard to plan a trip like that right at Christmas time, we just could not afford it at all. My mom and dad went though, so I don't feel so bad.. it was a quick planned thing, so they understood.

Anyway, so after I took them to the airport, I came home and got ready to come to Jen's and Stephen and I made breakfast together first. That was nice, and I was sad to leave him, but looking forward to today. I got here and we waited for Tricia, and then we walked downtown to the pottery place. We stopped to get lunch and took it over there, and ate while we worked. I loved my pottery piece that I did, and I am so excited about it. I did a platter, and put Christmas lights on it, and wrote the kids names in the light bulbs and then wrote across the top... You light up our lives... it is for my MIL for Christmas. I can't wait to give it to her, she is going to love it. The stuff that Tricia, Jen, and Tonya did too is beautiful. I really just had the best time though and want to go again. I wish I could go tomorrow and make something for my mom now. Giggle.

Then we came home and have been playing cards.. we were going to go to the movies, but Tricia didn't want to go so we chose to stay here and play cards instead. Plus we had to make cookies for tomorrow anyway.

Oh yah and we played in the snow which was fun too. Now they are waiting for me to play cards more, hehe, so goodnight. It's been a great day, except that we all missed Cory!!!

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