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Flying Time
12-14-2004, 9:49 p.m.

It's amazing how quickly time is moving. I can not believe that it is almost Christmas. I felt like I was so ahead of the game, but all of a sudden I am feeling a little behind. Maybe it is because we have the girls coming this weekend, and Stephen and I have a wedding to go to on Saturday, and I still have gifts to get, gifts to wrap, things to do, places to go, people to see, hehe. I am trying really hard not to get stressed out though, and to enjoy it. I love the holidays and I am trying to hang on to that thought.

Things have been crazy at work. My boss is having a knee replacement surgery tomorrow and so he has been trying to get tons done (he will be out anywhere from 3-6 weeks), and I am going on Vacation after Friday and so everyone else is trying to get done anything they think they will need during the 2 weeks that I will be gone. Only a few more days though, and then I am out of there. I figure that I will get tons done next week since I am off. This is the earliest that I've ever started my vacation before Christmas, but it worked out well because it gave me time to watch the girls. They are staying a month, so we sort of split it up so that there will always be someone here with them. It's going to be fun. Luckily too, we were able to plan some time off all together as well.

The wedding that we have on Saturday is for one of Stephen's cousins. It is downtown at a VERY nice hotel. I am sorta looking forward to it, and also sorta not. Because it's at a VERY nice hotel it is going to cost a lot more than an average wedding (parking alone is almost 40 dollars!). I hear that they are paying 200.00 a plate, but there is no way I am giving them 400.00, not even at a good time of year, and certainly not a week before christmas.

June gets out of school on Friday so she is coming for her break. She is so excited, and so am I. I love that I get to spend this time with her every year. It means so much to all of us.

Yawn.. time for bed... Exams tomorrow equal a VERY early morning. Must. get. some. sleep.

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