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Shopping, Shopping, and oh yah, Shopping

Shopping, Shopping, and oh yah, Shopping...

December 17, 2001

That about describes my weekend! Okay, so it was a little bit more than that, but not much. Let's see... Friday night, I worked on some craft stuff.. of course, first I went shopping. I did get a lot done though, so I am doing pretty good. I would be doing better if I had worked on stuff Saturday and Sunday, but I didn't, so why worry about it now. I also spent some time yakking on the phone. I think I talked to Sherry, Cory, Tonya, my Mom, Gram, Stephen's mom and Jen. Jen upset me a little bit though. She got a new digital camera for Christmas from Don's mom. No that's not what upset me. I was so totally happy and excited for her. What upset me was that she thought that I would be angry and have a fit. Am I really that materialistic of a person that I would be angry that someone else got something that I wanted??? I hope to God that I am not. A tinge of jealousy, perhaps, but I would never not want someone to get something just because I want one... I might joke and say, don't get it before me, but I totally don't mean it. In fact, I have not even been sure about what camera I really want.. I tend to go back and forth on the features that I want, so it's not like she has the one I HAD TO HAVE. I know that I will get one soon, and that I will love it totally. So I am not even the littlest bit jealous of Jen getting one, and I so wouldn't have freaked or threw a fit. I can't wait to see all the wonderful pictures Jen is taking.

Saturday morning, I got up and went... yup, shopping. I found some awesome deals though, and I am so glad for that. I also got a lot of the kids crossed off of my list, and though I still have a lot more to buy, I think I can get it done... the joys of having large families. When I got home, I thought I still had 2 hours before the phone company came to hook up our new phone line, but guess what, they called and said they were coming early... ooops. Who ever heard of a phone company coming early???? Not me! It was okay though, I just cleaned the house while they worked, and all was well.

Sharon had called Friday night to see if I would babysit Brian Saturday night, and since I was going out to my mom's, I told her that I would take him with. She got there with him shortly after the phone guys left, and so we got an earlier start to my mom's than I had anticipated, which was a good thing. As soon as we got there, we went out to lunch with my mom and dad and then my mom, Brian and I went... you guessed it, Shopping. Now shopping with a 4 year old is not really all that much fun, but Brian is really well behaved, so it could have been a whole lot worse. I think that mom bought something for him for every one gift she bought though, that kid was spoiled rotten by the time this weekend was over. He loved it, and more importantly, so did she.

By the time we got done shopping, it was getting late, so we picked up some junk for dinner and went home to eat. After we ate, my dad watched Brian and my mom and I went back out shopping. Let me tell you, by the time we were done, even I was tired of shopping. Of course that didn't keep me from saying sure on Sunday morning, when mom said, hey let's go to the Mall.

Sunday was spent shopping too, can you believe it? We shopped for hours and by the time we were done, I was more than ready to go home. Brian was cute though... he told my mom "you make me "xausted" gamma" because he was falling asleep in the car, and he had to get out to shop some more. When we dropped her off at home and got our stuff, he was fast asleep before I even drove a mile, and slept the whole way home. He was happy to show my brother all of his new toys and coat and stuff when we got home though. After I dropped him off with my brother, guess what I did???? Can you believe, I stopped to shop??? Well I did. I had to pick up a few things that Stephen asked me to get, and then I had to get a few groceries. I was tired though, and when we got home and ate, I was more than happy to lay down with Stephen to watch a movie. Of course I didn't make it thru the movie.. in fact, I was asleep before 8:30 and slept until this morning. I guess I was "xausted" too.

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