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Whine and Wine
12-17-2002, 8:15 p.m.

I feel a little bit better today, but basically I still feel pretty crummy. I had such an awful night last night, and I woke up several times because my throat was killing me. Finally at about 1:30, Stephen got up and offered to go to the store for me and get me some stuff, but I wasn't sure what I wanted, so I said that I was going to go.. well he didn't want me going alone, so he went with me. I ended up getting Nyquil and some chloraseptic cough drops, and went home and drugged myself up. I passed out after about half an hour, but I still kept waking up, only now I felt really drugged. I so did not want to get up this morning, and I certainly wasn't about to go workout.

I did get up to get to work though. I probably might have taken today off if I didn't have a ton of work on my desk, and I have to admit that I didn't want to miss our christmas lunch and maggianos. I had a great time, even if I did still feel icky, and I am so glad I went.

We go to Maggiano's every year, our department. They have such yummy food, and with all of us, it is a lively party. It is totally one of my very favorite things each year, and I just couldn't stand the thought of missing it. I even got to eat, yum...and the wine didn't hurt either, lol. I thought that I shouldn't have any, but sometimes you just do what feels good rather than what is right, and this is one of the very few times each year that I even indulge in wine.

I came home and felt a little better so I ran to the library and then to look for a few last gifts that I need to pick up. But the crowded toy stores made me feel icky all over again, and I am so ready to take some more nyquil and get into bed. Hopefully I will be able to get up and workout tomorrow morning.. and it's a good thing I did yesterday, because I didn't feel bad missing today. And really who wants to work out when they are sick.. certainly not me!!

Nyquil time!! Nighty Night. Hope I sleep much better than I did last night. At least my throat doesn't hurt as much, still a little, but it's at least bearable now.

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