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Sleepless Nights
12-18-2002, 2:51 a.m.

I don't know if it is because I am sick, or what, but I've had a hell of a time sleeping lately. I went to bed a little before 10 tonight and I fell right to sleep, but I woke up around midnight, sure that it was morning, and then again at 2. The second time, I was unable to go back to sleep, and after tossing and turning for half an hour, I decided to just get up. I came into my do-all room (hehe, crafts, computer, dvd player, works for me). I put on Xanadu and now I am watching that and getting ready to work on some of the sewing projects that I have going on. Since I need to get them done before christmas anyway, I might as well take advantage of not being able to sleep. I don't know why I am here writing though, but I just felt like it.

It is storming pretty badly out, thunderstorms with tons of lightening. I am sure that is probably what woke me up, but I don't know why I can't go back to sleep. It's times like this that I wish that the gym was open 24 hours.. at least I could get in there and get my workout done while I had all this energy. I am sure that I am going to be completely devoid of any of it later on in the day.

I talked to Cory for a while this evening. It was nice, I missed her while she was away with Jim. They had a wonderful time, and I was glad. It was fun hearing all about it. I am sure she will write all about it in her own journal.

I am getting excited about Christmas. This weekend I am going to spend the weekend cleaning my house and getting ready. I am starting to finalize my menu for Christmas eve, but it of course includes shopping and cooking. So I hope to get lots done this weekend. Megan's Christening is on Sunday, which should be really nice as well.

Okay, my sewing machine is calling. I wish it were my bed calling...

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