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Christmas Lunch

Christmas Lunch...

December 18, 2001

Today is our Department Christmas Lunch. We go to Maggiano's every year for lunch, and spend big bucks, giggle. Of course, that is only cause my boss pays for it and then gets reimbursed thru one of our department accounts.. but we tend to see if we can spend even more money than the previous year, which usually means lots of very good wine and stuff. This year, I am going to have to refrain from too much wine, since Stephen isn't going with (pout) and since I am going out to Jen's after work to visit with her and her MIL and SIL before they leave tomorrow.

Stephen can't go with, because they have exams this week, and he has to be here to set up for one of them. That really sucks, especially because I had asked him to check the schedule when we were making the date for the party. He thought today would be fine, but it ended up not being. This is the first year that he hasn't joined my department in a while, and at first I was a lot sad, but then I found out that a lot of the other spouses have decided not to join us this year as well for various reasons, and so at least I won't be the only one alone, giggle. Just all the more wonderful food for the rest of us... yum yum!

I am looking forward to seeing MJ and Kevin tonight. I am glad that they are looking forward to seeing me as well. It should be fun. I have to remember not to stay too late though, so that I could actually get home and get a few more things done. I have some more sewing to do, and I need to get Sherry's book finished, and since I will be at Jen's from Thursday-Sunday, I have to get it done now!!! I guess I could take some of this stuff with me to do there if I have to. I will see how it goes and decide from there.

I can't believe that Christmas is in 6 days. I got my first present today at work.. aww, a beautiful snowman candle holder. I love presents, both giving and receiving them. I love Christmas lots and lots, giggle. I also found some really great deals on Wolves jerseys today and so I ordered one for each of the girls.. woo hooooo... They had asked for jerseys for Christmas, but I so didn't want to spend a fortune on them for them... so this is a great thing. Now, I just hope that they get here before Christmas!!! If not, they will still be excited about it, and that's okay. I so need to remember to get our tickets for the Dec 29th game too... I can't believe that I keep forgetting that.

Okay, we are leaving for lunch in 15 minutes... yum yum yum, my tummy is growling and I am so excited.

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