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I Did It!!!

I Did It!!!

December 19, 2001

I finished Sherry's scrapbook tonight.. woo hoo... I got it all done and it looks great and I can't wait to give it to her on Christmas now. I so love having special gifts that I know that people will love. I hope she loves it anyway...

I also went shopping tonight and finished MOST of my shopping. There are a few things that I still need to pick up, but I can handle it. I can see that things are going to work out now, and it feels good. I can feel the stress starting to melt away. I even made it to the post office today to send out Tonya and the girls some gifts. I finally got my Christmas cards sent out too, okay, a little late, but done none-the-less.

I thought that I would need to take a ton of stuff to Jen's this weekend to work on, while I am babysitting, but I don't think I really will need to take much. Maybe the rest of those ornaments to finish, but if I don't get those done, I can always do them for next year. I am at the point where I realize that I can only do what I can do and the rest is just going to have to go undone. I am happy with the way it's all been working out.

Tomorrow Jen and Don are leaving for their anniversary weekend. I am so happy that they are getting to go, and I hope that they have an awesome time. I would write about what they are doing, but since Don is trying very hard to find out and it is a surprise, I will wait to write about it after they leave, giggle. Me no dummy!

Well, I could go and get some more stuff done, but I think that I am going to just go to bed and get some sleep. That sounds much better anyway.

Sweet Dreams! I know my dreams are going to be less stressed..hehe. Speaking of dreams, I wonder how Jen is doing at her sleep study tonight...

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