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First Night at Jen's

First Night at Jen's...

December 20, 2001

Well Jen and Don are off on their honeymoon... okay, they were calling it their honeymoon, giggle. Tomorrow is their 20th Anniversary, wow, that is so something to be proud of, especially considering that things have not always been the easiest or the best. So that makes it even more impressive to see, and I am proud of them.

I came here straight from work tonight and the kids were happy to see me. They really have been so great too, and we have been having a wonderful time, laughing and playing. It is almost time for them to go to bed, and I promised that I would send them to bed on time... at least for promises for the weekend though, giggle. I can't wait to pick up Chrissy and June tomorrow too. I am going to have them (aside from Christmas Day) until after the 1st. I am so happy about that. I love our Christmas vacations together.

The kids are making some cards and stuff for their parents right now. We are going to make them dinner for Sunday and maybe a cake or something. It will be nice.

5 days until Christmas... I am so excited!

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