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Jen & Don

Jen & Don...

December 21, 2001

Happy 20th Anniversary to Jen and Don. I can't believe that you've been married so long. I can't believe I am friends with someone who has been married so long, giggle, just kidding. Seriously though, you should be pretty proud, I know I am.

I talked to Jen this morning. They are having such a wonderful time. The good thing about watching their kids for the weekend is that they have to check in, giggle. Well they don't have to, but you know how it goes with parents. They think that noone can take care of their kids the way that they can... little do they know, snicker.

We had such a great time last night, the kids and I. We totally made a mess in the whole house, hehe, but did we clean it up? Hell no, that is what Sunday is for, LOL. I was good with their bedtime..only a half hour late... hey, I never claimed to be perfect. They were so good though, and they went right to bed for me, and they didn't give me a hard time getting up this morning either. Man, what a difference that is.. Chrissy and June HATE getting up in the morning... they are just like their mom. It was a nice change.. I don't know what Jen complains about so much, this stuff is easy, hehe.

Anyway, back to Jen and Don... they had a wonderful time at the Essense Suites. I can write about what they are doing now, since it isn't a surprise anymore. They will be heading out to Lake Geneva shortly for their stay in the Hide Away Cottage! Yup, they are staying in the same one that Stephen and I did last year... omg what a trip that was. It was awesome, exploding hot tubs and all. I hope that they have as rememberable a time as we did.. and I hope they remember my advice on which way to turn those nozzles, giggle.

This day is going sooooooo slowwwwwww. I am leaving here at 2 to go get Chrissy and June and then head back out to Jen's. Just think... 5 kids tonight, hehe... am I brave or what? I love it, no complaints here. I think we are going to jump on the beds tonight and make some more messes. I think that Jen and Don made a big mistake in having the biggest kid of all babysitting their kids... oh well, too late now.

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