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21st Anniversary
12-21-2002, 11:50 p.m.

Happy 21st Anniversary Jen and Don. I know that the years have not all been the happiest of ones, but they are happy now and that is what counts. I am so happy that you guys found your way, and that you are as in love as you are. I hope that you enjoyed your anniversary. 21 years is really very impressive and I hope that I am as happy when I reach it. Congratulations and here is to 21 more wonderful years.

I didn't get as much done today as I had hoped. I don't know, I guess that I just didn't feel much like doing it, and found myself poking around most of the day. I did get the kitchen scrubbed down, so that is one less thing that I still have to do. I really work much better under pressure and I guess knowing that I still have a few days to do everything makes it harder to get motivated.

Speaking of motivated, I had a great workout today, and some good motivation to go. I couldn't believe it when I weighed in this morning and found out that I've lost 2 pounds. I figure that it is probably because I have been sick, because I haven't done anything different. Maybe it's just that I have been working out consistently too and my body is starting to respond again. I sure hope that it wasn't a fluke and that it stays down. I am still sticking with my goal of maintaining during the holidays but come January 1st, I am really going to be getting back on track. That is going to be one of my resolutions, hehe. Have you started thinking about yours yet?

While I was off working out, Stephen was out shopping for my present.. giggle. He had it all wrapped up by the time I got home, and I have a feeling that I think I know what it is... and if I am right, cool!

I decided to run out and shop a little myself.. and I had a gift certificate that we had gotten for Chrismtas from Stephen's boss and he said I could use it on myself, so I got myself a few new sweaters, yay. I found a ton today that looked really nice and some of them were only a large too. I really love them, and now I am all set for work too, hehe. No more being cold or wearing sweaters that are just way too big on me.

I also went grocery shopping tonight, and got most everything that I need for my Christmas eve dinner, yay. I am so glad that I got that done, cause the closer it gets to Christmas, the more crowded the grocery stores will be. So, even though I didn't get a lot of cleaning done, I did get some stuff done.

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