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Megan's Christening
12-22-2002, 8:12 p.m.

Today was Megan's Christening, and it turned out to be really pretty nice. Sherry and the girls decided to come and meet us here, and hang out for a while before we had to leave. Chuck could not make it with them because of a prior comittment, and I was sorry to hear that he wouldn't be able to come, but I was really glad that Sherry and the girls came. They were all dressed up and looked so pretty. I wore one of my new sweaters that Stephen bought me yesterday, and it was really cute too.

We got to the church a few minutes early, and we were going to sit outside and wait for my parents to get there, but my brother and Sharon were standing outside, so we went to say hi to them instead. My parents got there shortly after we did, and we all went in to sit down.

The Christening was beautiful and Megan looked really pretty in her dress. She was very good during the whole thing too. She didn't cry at all, until the end, and only then because she was hungry. I hadn't known who the godparents were going to be, but it ended up being my brother's partner, and Sharon's niece. Okay, I have to admit that I was pretty upset when I found out who the godparents were. Obviously they didn't ask me or Stephen, and I wasn't upset about that, until I saw who they did pick.. it was almost like.. I don't know how to explain it... but my brother picks a friend over his family and they pick Sharon's 13 year old niece? I mean, what the heck... it hurt. I guess I just do not understand, not one bit. But it wasn't my decision, and I am not going to be upset over it... I just really feel slighted, I guess. I am Scott's only sister, and this is his second child, and I've not been asked, and I just feel like, well I just feel something. The thing is, family has never really been a strong suit for my brother. I don't know what he is thinking half the time, but I really felt like we were getting closer lately, and I guess we are.. but sometimes I just don't get him. Still I so love my niece and nephew and I want to be important in their lives, and I will be no matter what.

They had Megan's party following the Christening. It was at Sharon's sister's house, so we headed over there. My mom and dad got there shortly after we did. We all sat around talking and taking turns holding the baby, and it was really a nice afternoon.

When we got home, I started getting some more cleaning done, and I really got a lot done, which is a good thing. I will have a lot of last minute things to do tomorrow and Tuesday, but it really is coming together well. I can't wait for Christmas eve. I really wish that I had taken tomorrow off, and started our vacation then. Stephen had wanted to, but I talked him into working, since it should be a really easy day. I just hope that they let us go home early, so I can get all my stuff done. I have to go and take Stephen's mom shopping tomorrow night too... at least I already have almost everything I need, yay.

I can't believe how tired I am right now. It's only a little after 8, so it's much too early to go to bed, but I am so ready I tell you. Hmmm, guess I will go lay down and read or something. Night.

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