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Getting Ready
12-23-2002, 10:40 p.m.

Merry Christmas Eve - Eve. We always say that, and have been since we were kids. Christmas eve has always been a big day in our family.. we've always celebrated on that night. I remember when we were little kids, and this one year my mom and dad decided that we were not going to open all of our gifts until Christmas day.. but then they decided that they were going to let us open one on Christmas eve.. well one turned into two and two into three and before you knew it we had them all open (well aside from the ones that came from Santa anyway... My mom has always loved Christmas eve, and she has passed that love onto us.

I got to leave work around 2:30 today, and now I am vacation until January 6th, yay. When we got home, I decided to make the gravy for tomorrow, and we had a small bowl of spaghetti for dinner too, so that I didn't have to make something else. My sister called and asked if I would please go and get her grab bag present and a gift for my mom and then she stopped by to give me the money. At first, I was not so happy about it, but honestly, I don't mind doing it, and I would rather her get something for my mom and if that means that I have to go for her, then that is ok. So then while I was out shopping, my mom called and asked if I could possible pick up a few things for her that she was having trouble finding... it meant more crowded stores, but I didn't mind that either. Especially when it was for my mom... she does so much for me, it's nice to be able to do something in return.

I got to hang out with Krystal for a while tonight, and that was nice too, even though it kept me from getting other stuff done. Still, I don't get to spend nearly enough time with her, so I am glad that she came... sometimes she makes me so proud too... she has my mom out finishing her shopping and she asked my mom to get Jen's kids and Sherry's kids and even the adults their selves, some gifts. Sometimes she can be so selfish and self-centered.. but then sometimes she does something so generous that it shows me the potential she has.. she barely knows Jen's family, and just because they will be here, she wants to have gifts for them... she can be so like my mom and myself sometimes.

Now, I am getting some of my baking and stuff done. I still have a little cleaning to do, like mopping and stuff, but that is stuff I will do tomorrow. Brian called and asked me to come to church with them at 4.. he is going to be a shepard in the christmas play and he wants me to see... awww... I told Stephen that if noone is going to get here until 6:30 that I think I am going to go ahead and go for a while.. it would mean a lot to him, and thus to me...especially since my mom can't make it (she has to work). Stephen will be here in case anyone gets here before I get back, so that will work out well.

Okay, I am off to finish whatever I can get done. Merry Christmas Eve Eve... Hope it's the merriest of holidays for everyone!

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