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White Christmas
12-25-2002, 11:22 p.m.

Merry Christmas!

I honestly meant to write an entry last night, but man, I was so tired by the time I had time to get online, and that was the last thing I wanted to do. By the time everyone left our house and we cleaned up the major stuff (put food away), it was already 2:30 in the morning, and all I could think about was crawling under my blanket and going to sleep. Now it has been another long day, and I am exhausted and ready for bed again, but I wanted to at least write a short entry. I will catch up on the rest tomorrow.

We had a wonderful Christmas, both with my family and with my in laws. It really was a great time, both nights. I can't think of a single bad moment.

One wonderful thing, it snowed last night.. .and so we got a white christmas afterall. It started coming down in the afternoon and while they said we might only get flurries, it started sticking. It really was so beautiful, and it just adds to the festivities. Something about snow, it just makes christmas so much more christmasy. I didn't even mind shovelling with Stephen this morning, and in fact we had fun doing so.

Okay, I am off to cuddle with my honey, and talk about how wonderful our Christmas was. I leave this with a wish for the Merriest of Christmases. I hope that your time was spent with the people that you love the most. I know mine was, and I am so happy that it was. Christmas is a time for family, friends and love.. and I think that I managed to enjoy all of the above, very well indeed.

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