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Vacation Mode
12-26-2002, 11:22 p.m.

Isn't it amazing just how quickly we get into vacation mode? I tell you, it's only been a few days and I am already way off schedule. I have been staying up later and later and sleeping later and later. I don't know if I want to fight it, I've actually really been enjoying it. Maybe I should just go with it, not like I get many chances at enjoying "vacation mode".

The one bad thing about getting up later, is that it makes your day go much faster. By the time I got up, got situated and dressed and ran to the bank and then to workout, it was already about 1:00. I am used to having all that sort of stuff done, and still having most of the morning to do other stuff.

Today Stephen and I kinda just hung out and played with our Christmas presents.. well the funny part is that he has been playing with mine (he bought me a DVD/VCR for the living room) and I have been playing with his (my parents bought him an 80 hour TiVo). There was so much that I wanted to get done today, but I was addicted to setting up the TiVo and such. I also had fun playing with my new printer. My parents bought me a photo printer, which I really really wanted. It is totally awesome, and the quality of prints that I have been getting is really totally amazing. I have both printers hooked up, and I think that I am going to keep it like that, and only use the new one for photos. The neat thing is, I can use the photo printer without it even hooked up to the computer, just by sticking my memory card in. It's really amazing, and one of my favorite christmas presents. I also got a smoothie maker from my parents, which is something that I have really been wanting for months. I made a strawberry banana smoothie today that was just so yummy. I know that I will get a lot of use out of this.

The girls got here about 9:30 tonight. Sherry brought them over and brought tons of food for the freezer, I told her she is nuts, but she said that we never ask for anything, and she just wanted us to know how much they appreciate us watching the girls all week. I don't think that she quite gets that we get a lot out of taking them, and we do so because we love it more than anything else. They are so much a part of our lives that I can't even imagine not having them around.

We had gotten a gift card for blockbusters from Sherry and Chuck, so I ran and bought like 6 pre-viewed movies with it. So Stephen and the girls are watching some of them now, and drinking hot chocolate and having popcorn. I decided to come and write in here, and then go to bed. I have to be up early tomorrow morning, and I am not used to that.

Tomorrow is our 2nd annual *girls day*. This year it is at Cory's house. We have brunch and all go in our jammies...and open our christmas gifts to each other. It will be fun. I already got my hashbrown casserole ready to take, but we have to be there by 10 which means we have to leave before 9. Waking the girls up should be fun, not. However, girls day WILL be fun and I am really looking forward to it.. we had a great time last year, goofing off, taking pictures and just enjoying each other's company. I can't wait to compare the pictures from last year to this year.. we all have lost so much weight and stuff, it's going to be neat. Speaking of comparing pictures... here is something for you... I think that seeing it in pictures really makes me realize just what I have done this year... what a difference a year can make. The first picture was taken Christmas eve, one year ago, and the 2nd was taken Christms eve this year. Wow, huh?

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