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Christmas Eve Eve
12-23-2004, 10:44 p.m.

Today is Christmas Eve, Eve. I remember loving this day when I was little, it was almost as good as Christmas Eve, and usually we were able to talk our parents into one present each. We've carried that tradition on with Chrissy and June, and today we did so with June, Maddy and Rachel. They were so excited to open one present each and they had fun with that gift for the rest of the day. Everyone is looking forward to tomorrow, me included.

It's been a WONDERFUL week! We picked the girls up at the airport on Sunday morning. Their flight was a little bit late, but we didn't mind waiting. We were able to all go to the gate (Ton, June and I) and so we sat there talking and goofing around until we saw their plane taxi to the gate. Tonya began crying as soon as she saw it... and we were all excited watching for them to come out. They were not hard to miss with Maddy's blue hair.. yes blue! Grandma's certainly let grandchildren do things that they would never let their own children do, hehe.

We were going to take the girls out... first thought to my mom's and to Cory's house to visit.. then to the movies or bowling, something fun, but they just wanted to go home and spend some time with Tonya. She was happy to hear that, it was all she wanted too. We just spent the day hanging out and it was wonderful.

Monday was our Christmas lunch at work, so we took the girls to work with us, and Jen came and took them out to lunch while we went to the party. It was fun. We all went to Jen's afterward and spent a really nice afternoon/evening hanging out. Jen made a wonderful dinner, and we were all sad when it was time to leave.

The rest of the week has really flown by. I took them shopping on Tuesday and then on Wednesday we went to an outlet mall and a few other places. We were gone from 10 am until 8 pm, and were exhausted by the time we got home, so today we just hung out here. I had to run out a few times, but mostly we didn't do much. It was really nice. Now onto Christmas. Have I ever mentioned how much I just LOVE Christmas? This is shaping up to be a super special one too. Gotta love that.

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