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Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve...

December 24, 2001

Christmas Eve has always been very big in my family...ever since we were kids. I remember big celebrations with all my cousins, and the living room being so full of gifts you could barely get in there... I remember being little and the awe of it all... I remember being told... well maybe one present tonight, and then getting to open them all. Christmas eve is a tradition that I love, and although it can be overwhelming at times, I wouldn't change it for the world.

We had an awesome time tonight, and my only disappointment is that it is over (pout)... a whole nother year to wait for it to come around again, giggle. We had such fun... I don't know how I could write all about it (and besides I am exhausted beyond belief, so I will give a few highlights and then write some more in the morning).

I think one of my favorite moments was when Don opened our gift to him. I had taken something that he had written when he was out to sea the last time before his retirement and printed it over a picture of the ship he served on... I then had a mat cut for it, and it also had an opening for a picture of him saluting, and his name and stuff... it was so beautiful, and I was very proud of it. But when he opened it, he immediately started crying, and let me tell you, it didn't take much to get the rest of us started. Everyone loved it and I am so glad that I did that for him... so glad.

GUESS WHAT????? I got a digital camera from my parents!!!! Not just ANY digital camera, but an awesome awesome one that I am so in love with. I took so many pictures tonight and can't wait to take even more tomorrow!!! It is just toooooooo wonderful. I just love it.

Stephen got the leather jacket he has been wanting for years and years... the style and stuff.. He loves that and hasn't taken it off since... when he gets hot, he just goes outside for a few minutes, snicker. Seriously though, we all got the most wonderful gifts, and I can't wait to play with them all... ohhhh, and I got a new TV for our bedroom from Stephen. We only had a 13 inch and I so wanted a 19 inch because I watch TV in our room a lot.. it was such a thoughtful gift, and I love it very much, and him. He loved the Soprano's DVDs that I got him too... awww, but nothing compared to that leather jacket, hehe.

We still kept a few gifts to open together tomorrow morning, and then we are going to Stephen's parents house at 3... Another fun day!!! I so love Chrismtas... Merry Christmas Everyone!

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