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Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas...

December 25, 2001

I can't believe that basically, Christmas is over.. boo hoooooo... even with all my complaining about all that I had to get done, I just so love this time of the year. I love everything about it... I love spending the time with our families.. I love the food, I love presents... I love it all. I guess I will just have to start looking forward to my birthday now, hehe.. only 3 weeks until that, giggle.

We had a very nice day today. I just love Christmas so much (I think I have mentioned that a few times, hehe). Stephen's mom has us come over around 3ish now, so that we can spend time with our families and open our own gifts in the morning, but I had stuff to make to take over there and I spent some time messing around with my stuff, and we like to go over a little bit early and spend time with them before everyone else gets there. It was a very relaxing nice time over there. Dinner was wonderful and the kids loved the millions of gifts that they all received, and we got a few very nice gifts as well. Then after the chaos of opening gifts (there are 11 kids and 10 adults, it's quite chaotic), the kids all played with their stuff while we all laid around and talked, and gossiped and laughed and enjoyed each other. Nothing better than that...nothing better than family, nothing at all.

The only downer of the day was that I thought that my batteries were all charged, and none of them were, so I didn't get but one or two pictures from today...that is going to make for a skimpy scrapbook page for certain.... shucks... to top it off, the battery in my regular camera was out too, and while I usually keep a spare battery, I had no clue where it was and there was no place open to get another... I am so bummed about that.. but then in a way, it was rather nice not to be behind the camera all day. Still, my batteries are charging now, giggle... hey, I like it behind that camera.

Speaking of pictures, I have decided to have a Pic of the Day... okay, maybe Pic of the Moment, since I can't say for sure that I will change it every day... and it might not be a picture from that day.. but the point is, I am going to have a picture at the bottom of my journal now, and if I get a chance, I will write a little something about it, or maybe not... who knows... guess only time will tell. Today's picture is from last night... it was after Don opened his picture, and he saluted for us. It is a very touching picture and one that I will treasure for always and forever. I want this one to show up all the time, so I am going to add the image here as well...

Well I am off to try to figure out how to set up outlook to work with my ATT email, something that I have been trying to do forever... I can get it to get my email, but sending is a different story, but at least I am getting closer. My brother just brought me in a box of chocolates that he got for christmas from Belgan...omg, he asked which one I wanted, I took the whole box, giggle.. he said.. hey wait, I just want this one, and took the cappuchino with hazel nut one and gave me the rest... yummmmmmmmmm, can I stop at one piece??? I think this calls for a glass of white chocolate french vanilla hot chocolate... ohhhh Scootttyyyy, heat up the milk....

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