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Toys and Naps

Toys and Naps...

December 26, 2001

Today has been a nice vacationy-type of day. I woke up about 7, but Stephen moaned and mumbled and held me in his arms, and I fell back asleep and slept until 8:30. What is the use of being on vacation if you can't enjoy it... why fight it, hehe. I probably would have slept even later but Shadow Kitty decided that she really wanted to eat then, and she wasn't going to wait another minute, hehe. Just as well...

Sherry called and said that they called and asked if she could come into work earlier and could I come get the girls a little earlier.. sure.. there goes taking a shower, but I don't mind. I took off shortly and headed out to get them. I also had to run to the bank, and then I was supposed to meet Jen half way to give her a bag of presents that Nicole had forgotten here. Unfortunately though the timing was bad, as she had a doctor's appointment around the same time I would be getting to the half way she decided to just come over and visit for a while, an idea that I liked so much better, giggle.

Jen and the kids came and we had a nice visit... one of those you don't really do much times and it makes it all the much more special to realize that we are now close enough to have these sort of for me. The kids played with their toys and Jen's kids had money burning a whole in their pockets and wanted to go to Toys-R-Us for more. I told Chrissy and June not to even ask for anything, since they still have about 50 unopened toys each from Christmas... no need for anything new here for a while, LOL. It really surprised me to see how many people were buying toys today...didn't you get enough???? hehe.. but I know alot of kids got gift cards and money for Christmas, and they just couldn't wait...

After Jen left, Stephen and I played UNO Attack with the girls for a while (we are going to go play again in a few minutes actually, fun game), and then Stephen went to see our nephew Jacob in a basketball tournament. We thought it was tomorrow night, so we were laying around when his mom called to see if we were going... ooops... Stephen decided to just go himself rather than all of us try to get dressed quickly.. and so I did the next best thing... let my brother watch the girls and took a nap, LOL. Brian was over for a few hours playing too, so they were having a blast, and I enjoyed the nap. It is so nice to be on vacation and not have to worry about napping and not being able to sleep later...of course I will be all thrown off by the time I go back to work, but oh well.

I talked to Cory tonight for a bit, and she had such a great Christmas. We are all going to Jen's on Friday for brunch and a PJ day... I can't wait for that...

Okay, time for that shower that I missed this morning, and then more UNO and snacks..what a night..

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