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Dinosaurs and Snacks

Dinosaurs and Snacks...

December 27, 2001

I love days like these!! Let's see, we slept in this morning.... I seem to be sleeping later and later each day. I may have to set the alarm clock for tomorrow morning in order to get to Jen's for PJ day in time, giggle. Anyway, we got up late, and I was still the first one up. I ran to the store to pick up a few things that I needed to make this hash brown casserole for breakfast...yummy! Tonya made this when we were in VA last month, and it was so yummy, and since it's a vacation day, I decided to make it. Stephen and the girls loved it, so that was good. We watched the Rocky Horror Picture Show (the girls favorite)while we ate, and kept going back to the time warp and dancing. I got a lot of cute pics of the girls dancing...gotta love that digital camera...

We did go over to Stephen's parents house to help them move all of Howard's (Stephen's uncle who stayed with them for a while, until he had to go into a nursing home) stuff into the basement, so that Liz (MIL) could make that room into a TV room for her. I also ran her to the bank and to do a few errands, and we played with Brownie (the pet squirrel that comes right to the door for nuts and actually practically knocks). Brownie even tried to get into my car with me, silly squirrel.

When we got home, Chrissy and I ran to the grocery store to get stuff for dinner, and for the Grand Marnier French Toast for tomorrow. We had a snack night dinner (chicken nuggets, pizza rolls, garlic bread, egg roles and mozzarella sticks). This is the girls favorite dinner and we try to do it at least once while we are on vacation. We have been having a Jurrasic Park Fest too. Stephen and Chrissy rented the 3 tonight, and we already had the first 2 on video so we've been watching them. We are now ready to watch 3, but I wanted to take a little break to write in my journal first.

We are going to Jen's tomorrow, and meeting Cory there, for PJ day. The girls have their PJs ready and we are all excited about it. It will be fun. As I said earlier...I am making the GM French Toast, and Jen is making bacon, sausage and fruit cups. Yummy, going to be a fun day. Okay time, for the next movie...I am going to be sooooooooooo sad when this vacation is over...

Oh yah, I called my BIL Kevin earlier tonight. Tennessee is playing Michigan (his favorite team) in the Citrus Bowl on January 1st. I called him to tell him that my team was going to kick his teams ass... so we are trying to decide what our wager is going to be. Giggle, I can't wait!

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