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Pajama Day

Pajama Day...

December 28, 2001

Today was Pajama Day at Jen's house...hehe. We got up and I took a shower and we all put on clean pajama's....because you can't go to pajama day in the pajama's you slept in you know, hehe. We got to Jen's a little later than I had planned on, because I had a ton of errands to run on the way (mail bills, run back to get my coat that I forgot to take (and never used), stop to get a battery for my regular camera, get gas, etc..). It worked out okay in the end, because we ended up behind Cory, and she stopped with us at our last stop (to get syrup for the french toast). We had a great time at Jen's. Brunch was yummy and the company was awesome. Cory, Jen and I played UNO attack and then Phase 10, and took tons and tons of pictures. We got some really great ones, and I can't wait to see the rest of them on my regular camera. I also can't wait for Tonya to get here (2 weeks from today), so we can take tons of cool pictures with her too!

Cory wanted to leave at 2 so she would miss rush hour traffic, but we managed to detain her a while longer, since we didn't want her to leave yet at all. I decided to stick around for a bit, and Jen and I laid down to watch a movie. It was The Game, with Michael Douglas...freaky movie, but pretty good. Jen made us a yummy dinner, and the kids were having so much fun playing that I stayed even longer, hehe. Jen and I played some more cards, and just had fun hanging out together. I didn't leave her house until a little after 9, so when we got home, it was time for the girls to go to bed, so we never did get out of our jammies today. Okay, so they are still awake, watching the nutcraker here in my bed with me, but the point is, it was truly a jammie day!

It was so great to see Cory today. I realized that I actually had not seen her in a few weeks, and I missed her bunches. She got her hair cut short and it is just adorable, what a great look for her. I am so sorry that she didn't get to hang out longer with us, but in 2 short weeks, all four of us will have a whole nice long weekend together...I can't wait...

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