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What a Week
12-28-2003, 11:48 p.m.

Holy cow, it�s been forever since I�ve really written a real update. The longer that I go without writing, the less I seem to want to come and do so, mostly because I know it�s going to be close to impossible to catch up with the past week or so. Maybe I don�t have to do though and I can just start from now. That seems to be the easiest thing to do. I guess I can give some sort of update on how my life has been going though.

Let�s see� having walking pneumonia during the holidays was real bad planning on my part, giggle. Okay okay, I didn�t plan it, that is for certain, but really it sucked, a lot. For all the complaining I did before about how sad I was that I did not get to host Christmas eve this year, the truth is when it came down to it, I was so very grateful that it wasn�t at our house this year. I don�t know how I would have been able to manage that! It was wonderful though, at my brother�s house. We had a great time, as we always do. I was feeling better by then too for the most part, so that was good. Christmas day was wonderful too. Both in the morning with Stephen and Tonya, and then later in the afternoon at my in-laws. We just really had an enjoyable time. I got a lot of nice gifts, but more importantly I just loved the time with our loved ones.

The past few days have been rather lazy ones. Since I got sick, I�ve just not felt like doing anything at all, and Tonya has felt the same exact way, so she really has been encouraging the lazy time, hehe. The girls are loving it too, as is Stephen, but it�s hard for me to believe that already a week has gone by, and I�ve done hardly nothing.

Tuesday is our 3rd Annual Girls PJ day, and I am hosting it this year, and I am really excited about that. This means, however, that lazy time ends tomorrow as I will have to go shopping and get things ready for that. I think it�s a good thing though, hehe.

One thing I am definitely ready to do though is to go back to the gym. My doctor told me that I should wait a week or so, until I was done with the antibiotics, and that is what I did, and man am I feeling it so much. Thankfully the new year is coming, and I am determined to get my butt in gear in January� no matter what.

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