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Another Lazy Day
12-30-2002, 10:47 p.m.

We had a nice day today.. although we didn't really do things as planned, but what else is new for this week. We have all been sleeping so late, and so by the time I got home from working out today it was already almost 1, and the girls were still in bed!!! Stephen let them today, because starting tomorrow we are going to make them start getting up earlier. They need to get used to that, before they go home, hehe.

I talked to Sherry about plans for tomorrow, and I think that they are just going to come over here, although we really haven't planned anything as of yet. Everything is totally up in the air, which if you know anything about me, you know I hate that, but it's the way it works out sometimes.

Anyway, since it was getting late, and since we were going to the Wolves game tonight, we decided to wait to go to the movies, yet again. Instead, we went to the video store and got some more movies, and then hung out here until it was time to go to the game.

We had a great time at the game. It was really a spectacular game, very close all the way thru with some good hitting and some fights... which the girls loved. The wolves ended up losing by 1, but it was still an awesome game and we had a wonderful time. I got a nice big hugs from Skates too, which is always good for a smile.

Okay, time for bed, I am trying to usher the girls there, but since they got up so late, they are just not ready for bed. Too bad, they can lay in bed and watch movies, but no staying up all night... I am going to be the bad cop tonight, but I am too old for this staying up all night sleeping all day routine, I need to get back on track.

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